Sunday, January 15, 2012

2nd Poem of the year

It's been a long time since I last posted a poem. It was time... 
This is a poem by Robert Bly, a great poet in his own right but an excellent translator too. That's how I first knew of him as he has translated the works of many Spanish (or Spanish speaking) poets, such as Lorca, Machado, Neruda. 
One day I'll post some of his translations.  He is amazing to me because he not only translates from Spanish but from other languages as well, and poetry no less, which is probably the most difficult genre. So, I admire him for that. 
Enjoy this lovely poem!
Starting a Poem
You are alone. Then there's a knock 
On the door. It's a word. You
Bring it in. Things go
OK for a while. But this word 

Has relatives. Soon
They turn up. None of them work.
They sleep on the floor, and they steal
Your tennis shoes. 

You started it; you weren't
Content to leave things alone.
Now the den is a mess, and the
Remote is gone. 

That's what being married 
Is like. You never receive your
Wife only, but the
Madness of her family. 

Now see what's happened?
Where is your car? You won't 
Be able to find 
The keys for a week.

Robert Bly

If you like, you can go to Minnesota Public Radio's site, where you can read and listen to this and other poems read by the poet himself, and his comments too. Highly recommended!!

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